Next conference contribution:
Antje Potthast, Stefan Böhmdorfer, Ivan Sumerskii and more colleagues of BOKU in Vienna presented their lignin related research results regarding analysis and modification at the ISWFPC conference in Japan 2019.
Ivan Sumerskii & Antje Potthast are going to present their research results " Adding speed to lignin analysis" at the EWLP 2020 in Gothenburg.
The industrial partners of Flippr² are processing huge amounts of wood - which is the most important renewable resource at all. The knowledge and infrastructure for processing is the most important knowhow of the companies.
An example:
Nobody wants to use a cement bag as a handkerchief. Due to this reason the pulp fibres in handkerchiefs are softer, shorter and more flexible and pulp used in cement bags is made of stronger and longer fibres. Both fibre sources are wood, but the production process makes the difference.
The variability of utilisation of fibres amd fines is one target of Flippr² - individual fibres and fines properties shall be produced in a more efficient way.
The second research area of Flippr² focusses on the utilization of lignin - the second most present substance of wood.
The wood biorefinery:
The substantial economic characteristic of wood is:
- its storability
- no concurrence to agriculture and food
- its CO2 neutrality
- in general a good availability in Europe
The substantial technical characteristic of wood is:
- waterproof - no solubility in pure water
- high chemical resistance
- high mechanical load capacity
- good potential of chemical/physical reactions
These properties cause that wood is the resource for biorefineries par excellence. For now wood is processed ether through a mechanical or a chemical process into its constituent parts - fibres, lignin, hemicellulose and resin. The processing will be adapted with Flippr² to optimise these substances towards its later application.
The annual Paper and Biorefinery conference in Graz is - because of COVID-19 - reschedulded to 28th - 29th of October in Graz.
You'll find further information here.